Saturday, April 21, 2007

Alexander the Great - Character :

He was mystical and practical, a dreamer and a pragmatist, handsome and intelligent. He didn’t get Tired in battle. Alexander was fascinated by one god Dionysios , one demigod Hercules , one hero Achilles and one sovereign Cyrus the Great. The Illiad was his manual of war, in his early years he models himself after Achilles. He was like him superhuman hero and warrior and copy the extravagance of Achilles when he was sad because of the death of his best friend Patroklos. When Hephaestion's dead, in this year Alexander's generals try to persuaded Alexander to leave from the eastern border to secure his power in Babylon but he didn’t want to because he should be hero. Alexander want to ride his horse, hold his sword and overpower new place. Like Hercules Alexander can stand pain, hunger, thirst, heat, and big pain with huge patience. His mother introduced to the cult mysteries of the Dionysios. From Dionysios Alexander love adventure. Through the route of his conquest, he reiterate the same journey as Dionysios but backward. Alexander respect the character of the Cyrus the Great, he emulate his example and politics in the time were he was create his wide empire. Also Alexander like cyrus, respected the tradition and religion of control peoples.

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